London averaged between 10 and15°C when I left home on the 24th of September. Summer has eluded Londoners and my vegetables were in no hope of ripening. The two tomato plants had yielded a good crop with lots of its fruit still very green. My aubergines did the “shall I live or shall I die” number on me. Continue reading Chasing the rainbows
Tag: #migration
do dreams unlock inspirations or letting go is the trick?
this morning i got up happy as a larry… was it because i felt well rested or because i had had a beautiful evening with my maa, having dinner with her, giggling laughing at each other. added to it an unhurried summer evening walk… inhaling the air filled heavy with the scent of lilac, deliberately brushing past lemon geranium and lavender… swifts following us with their low circular flight, a good night before finding their roosts… Continue reading do dreams unlock inspirations or letting go is the trick?