Mementoes of my memory tree

May your life always be filled with beautiful, exotic, deep, enriching, blossoming and blissful scents… and may you always know your own and wear it with pride. Gérard

This hand written note on the inside leaf of Patrick Süskind‘s Perfume is a memento which replays the time I had a fling with a young man, a sensitive soul, while I was in my long-term relationship. Whenever the page presents itself, the distant past flashes back. Not that I am a nostalgic by any means… I love memories. Am not attached to them yet they bring a serene joy in my life. Strange though it may sound, in the spring clean, year after year, my stash of troubled moments have been recycled into enchantment. Continue reading Mementoes of my memory tree

My mum the fanatic (potentially in the making)

As an artist who is forever challenging and teasing perceptions of identity, cultural positioning and representation, and enabling other voices to creatively do the same… I feel immobilised by the demands put on the geographical DNA of people of certain ‘origins’.

Recently my Mum wanted to spend some time in India for a sort of family reunion. She planned to be with her siblings, some who live there and two others currently visiting Mumbai. They are all getting on in age.

My mum the fanatic (potentially in the making)Mum extreme right with four of her younger brothers and sisters in 1945

Continue reading My mum the fanatic (potentially in the making)

Changi’s generosity

Checking the departure gates on changing LED screens makes me anxious and excites me as well as makes me wonder about displacement and the generosities that can result from it. Displacements and migrations of all sorts, some fleeting some life changing, that unfold in the arenas of international airports. Globalised in their psychology, these spaces demand homogeneity. Yet each city leaves its subtle imprint and behind each city’s imprint is a national engine at play creating an arena that permeates a unique sense of welcome. Airports are the first port of entry as well as the last port of exit, they are the temples of ‘hello & good bye’. Continue reading Changi’s generosity