On www.facebook.com/alizaidiarts I had posed a question to get a guide as to where to start from… the context was

Barely two days old… this page is to share my passion for… *People *Arts *Spirituality *Food *Sustainability *Ecology *Communication *Gardening *Photography . *politics *Healing *Nutrition *Sharing *Couch Surfing *Civic Engagement *Learning and *New Technologies… aspects that nourish our identity and culture.
What would you like me to start off with first?
Thus far my thoughts are to have simultaneous threads addressing the subjects above… but i am new to juggling. My most recent couch surfer presented me three of his juggling balls as a parting gift… red, green and yellow. Your call… which colour would you like to start with?
How do I interpret the responses?
Well… I love all colours! As the votes were split half and half between red and yellow, and a few shouted out for green… I had decided, it had to be a dish. Orange took care of it in my mind!

AT the same time, I have had the pleasure of hosting Brian Landry, a chef and an adorable human being from Oregon, for a couple of nights. Not that I had planned to ask him to cook while he was with me, but it turned out that way. For the dinner on his first night, I stirred up the colour response, butternut squash and spinach with onions, ginger and herbs along with plain boiled rice. Brian had brought along red wine… so all colours were included in one fell swoop!! Deeply excited, talking non-stop and sharing our food passion with an awareness of the sustainability question, we looked at each others images and retired to bed, dreaming food. Next morning, continuing our conversations, we visited our local fish shop, decided to keep a budget of £15 between us and bought a mackerel, a trout, Dungeness shrimps, some wild mushrooms, a carnival squash and a few extras… all within our budget. I also wanted to go to my allotment and grab few remaining celeriac roots and pick some edible flowers. My neighbour Peter, who also has a plot on the allotment, was pottering about and offered few red cabbages, as he grows them for their looks and detests even the faintest smell of any kind of cabbage. Good for us!! Laden with fresh produce… we got back, hungry from our long walk, had a coffee and collectively looked at our blessings.

A very simple and hearty meal, using mostly the fresh stuff from the allotment and couple plantains that were in my kitchen that were calling my name. It was a JOY to create the lunch together. Dished out and presented by Brian, it was a pleasure to see another food enthusiast work his magic.
This is what we made!

It’s an ode to growing our own food and sharing where we can… the methods, tastes, recipes and trust!

By the way Peter, popped by just a minute ago wondering if any cabbage was left for him to try, and there was none left from our lunch yesterday. There is however the second cabbage waiting for me to prepare for another inspired meal and Peter will get to taste that!!
Till then, au revoir!