Casa Ali >> Happy birthday India Pakistan!

Coming up… August. Two of my homes, India Pakistan celebrate their 66th birthday. My recipes for the month can not help reference some of the food that I grew up with. And its Eid as well! What’s nearly gone is…

… July and what a packed month it has been. Four Casa Ali gatherings, created and handed over content for food4thought, some of my harvest has begun, couch surfer guests from Turkey and Australia and a new kid added to the line of royals in a summer which has been the hottest in many years (wonder how it would impact on the future of united kingdom). Continue reading Casa Ali >> Happy birthday India Pakistan!

Connections – Nila Madhab Panda

With a three tier name Nila Madhab Panda, Madhab is one of the most unassuming film directors I know.

Back in 2007, whilst researching for an Indian creative associate for my project 60×60 Secs, his name was mentioned several times by different people. 60×60 Secs; one-minute film commissions from Britain India Pakistan to reflect on migration, displacement and cultural identity in the 21st century. Having met several artists in Bombay and Delhi, finding none to be suitable for the project, I met Madhab at Cafe Coffee Day a day before my return. Continue reading Connections – Nila Madhab Panda

Let a thousand flowers bloom

A wandering, loving and vegetarian menu

First course of JOL&ML

Dictatorial is thumbs down and negotiational is thumbs up for me – almost always! For Journeys of Love and More Love I have had to send the menu to Melbourne and to Singapore, to make sure, the taster offerings would get prepared in time. Not that magically one sends the menu/recipes and items get churned out just because I had also emailed pictures from the ‘prepared earlier’ selection. Different cities, different ingredients, not even the same continents – all different negotiations and different solutions! Continue reading Let a thousand flowers bloom

do dreams unlock inspirations or letting go is the trick?

this morning i got up happy as a larry… was it because i felt well rested or because i had had a beautiful evening with my maa, having dinner with her, giggling laughing at each other. added to it an unhurried summer evening walk… inhaling the air filled heavy with the scent of lilac, deliberately brushing past lemon geranium and lavender… swifts following us with their low circular flight, a good night before finding their roosts…  Continue reading do dreams unlock inspirations or letting go is the trick?