A conversation between Anotnio Pizzo and me (the self-confessed Scheherazade) in 2006, formerly published by Antonio as Identity, Transformation, and Digital Languages.
Continue reading Between Antonio and me; the digital Scheherazade
Continue reading Between Antonio and me; the digital Scheherazade
What is real and what isn’t?
“Are you a man?” said Lady Macbeth to her husband, Macbeth. Using this as a title I hash tagged my Instagram #masculinity #mask_culinity; a banana skin on pink lace. I was playing tongue and cheek, using an age old cliche of banana/phallus as a provocation of values synonymous with English Renaissance! These terms are still used freely in playgrounds and classrooms and bedrooms. Gender specific roles as demanded by society become iconic masculinity or femininity. And this song and dance, performance on demand changes from culture to religion to class. Continue reading HyperReal… Mas(k)culinities
Art is not what you see but what you make people see.
Edgar Degas
The creative process and the healing process arise from a single source. When you are an artist, you are a healer; a wordless trust of the same mystery is the foundation of your work and its integrity. Art has always worked for me in mysterious ways. Its a feeling, its an expression, its a desire to connect. Often these connections are new and bring about a change. And change by definition is an act of transformation. Once changed, things can not be reverted to what they were. I AM… memoirs of addiction recovery is exactly such a project. A journey and an experience where art is an agent of change. Continue reading ART… an agent of change
Thousand and One Nights theme wandered from Efteling and proliferated Olivier’s bedroom in no time. His dreams pulsed with qanun and oud. In his early teens, at a hotel lobby in Cario, dance of the belly uncoiled his kundalini. Olivier has been shaking and shimmying this awakened serpent ever since.
I AM… memoirs of addiction recovery is my journey to understand better, the lives behind much stigmatised taboo of addiction. Fingers point, eyebrows frown, people suddenly become ‘they’ and ‘we’ jump to hasty conclusions in demonising the addict.There are many kinds of addictions, substance dependence or what is commonly called drug addiction. Indeed there is much controversy in understanding the very nature of addiction itself, which essentially is the ‘loss and ‘regain of control’. Continue reading Addiction, the addict and their recovery