motiroti… living archives

Like chapters of a book unravelling its story… motiroti went through its incredibly rich life of creating collaborations and associations literally with hundreds of artists and millions across the globe. Its ethos based on a culture of sharing, continues.

As a young nineteen year old and secretly in love with senior NCA student in Lahore, I wanted to know his zodiac sign to understand him better inside and out. And he, he had no idea when he was born because his elders put a made up date on his birth certificate. According to his mother he was born the same summer, two days apart when her favourite white goat had her first-born. There was too much commotion so no one remembered! Continue reading motiroti… living archives

Let a thousand flowers bloom

A wandering, loving and vegetarian menu

First course of JOL&ML

Dictatorial is thumbs down and negotiational is thumbs up for me – almost always! For Journeys of Love and More Love I have had to send the menu to Melbourne and to Singapore, to make sure, the taster offerings would get prepared in time. Not that magically one sends the menu/recipes and items get churned out just because I had also emailed pictures from the ‘prepared earlier’ selection. Different cities, different ingredients, not even the same continents – all different negotiations and different solutions! Continue reading Let a thousand flowers bloom