Penis Portraits

The penis is diametrically considered an object of worship and abject fear. For a few years, I’ve been photographing penis portraits to exemplify consent and get to grips with the desire and the taboo.

Nearly half of this world’s population has penises, and they are a source of pleasure, pain, love, jealousy, power and shame Continue reading Penis Portraits

Headless Male Torsos

From childhood into my teens, every time I’d see a headless male torso, I would grant it an imaginary head of my heart throb.

Continue reading Headless Male Torsos

Socially distant life-drawing

Covid in its wake brought separation and gloom, the silver lining however has been the time to zoom into Self. Hard for people like me who rely on connectivity, through life drawing and my healing practice, social distancing meant both these activities came to a standstill.

Continue reading Socially distant life-drawing

Impressions on Masculinity

Thomas Christiansen and I spent some time together while I showed him the high resolution portraits from Mas(k)culinities. Upon my request to write down some of his observations… he graced me this essay!

“The most powerful element to the craft of mas(k)culinity, for me, is its ability to render very different experiences depending on the proximity and focus through which people examine the images. Continue reading Impressions on Masculinity