I AM… memoirs of addiction recovery is my journey to understand better, the lives behind much stigmatised taboo of addiction. Fingers point, eyebrows frown, people suddenly become ‘they’ and ‘we’ jump to hasty conclusions in demonising the addict.There are many kinds of addictions, substance dependence or what is commonly called drug addiction. Indeed there is much controversy in understanding the very nature of addiction itself, which essentially is the ‘loss and ‘regain of control’. Continue reading Addiction, the addict and their recovery
Tag: #cultural diversity
“To see a world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.”William Blake
On the invitation to create an interactive art installation through residency/workshop with Officine Sintetiche Lab (OS Lab) in Turin, my starting point was, surprise surprise, food! Conceptually I wanted to use everyday food ingredients as a prism. I called it NOMADI. A portrait of coffee, rice and wheat, Nomadi, is an homage to migration and culture. I wanted gallery audiences to explore multiple narratives nestled within the grains. To trace journeys and hear stories of people distinct from each other yet connected by three humble seeds. Continue reading Nomadi
Here is to 2014!
Food4Thought ~ experience Lower Marsh
Damiano Razzolli from MultiWalks partner organisation Mondinsieme has written a series of guest posts following his interview with myself. Here’s the first morsel – enjoy! (thanks to Karin De Giorgi for the translation)
I created a walk that leads to the discovery of life stories and favourite recipes of the merchants of one of the oldest and most popular street markets in London. Continue reading Food4Thought ~ experience Lower Marsh
Lower Marsh… part of it belongs to Food4Thought
Food4Thought is part of motiroti’s MultiWalks App which launched on Friday 18th October on iOS / iPhone, and, finally the festive season has brought with it the Android version. A FREE art app for smart phones MultiWalks helps navigate London, Oslo and Reggio Emilia. The app has been updated in many ways… more importantly, home page and faster download time as the films are hosted on line viewable even on your desktop.
Continue reading Lower Marsh… part of it belongs to Food4Thought